Nigella – The Wandering of a Fruiting Body

2024 – Digital 4K – 5:26 min (Video Installation) / Cinema Povera


Nigella – The Wandering of a Fruiting Body is a cinematographic project taking as its main subjectivity a flower threatened by extinction (a Nigella) during its fruiting process, between the appearance of its swollen shell and its drying over the summer, allowing it to release its seeds with the help of the wind and the swallows. The film’s approach is to consider this process from a relational point of view, as if the flower were an organ connected to many others. The wandering involved concerns the multiple vibrations that travel through its body during this process, affecting its surrounding worlds.

The film is part of a wider creative project focused on developing ecological forms of narration by decentring the human gaze. This film is about believing in cinema’s ability to re-enchant the world by making beings or phenomena we thought invisible perceptible to us, negotiating with the imaginary in favor of a transition of plants from object to intentional subject, introducing cracks in the Western narrative of human and non-human identities. Through slowness and contemplation, the aim is to play with the viewer’s attentional, memory and perceptive capacities, to suggest a beyond of the image, a space in which the imagination could reconfigure the territory of the visible, the thinkable and the possible. At the heart of this short film lays a mysterious wandering, a life force leading a fragile plant to emerge from itself, spreading its memory through a multiple and vibrant subjectivity.


—  2024 | Screening « Official selection – Documentary short film » • MSIFF (Lviv/UA)
—  2024 | Screening “Kreativität der Langsamkeit”  • GISELA-Freier kunstraum (Berlin/DE)

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